Arafasoft E-Book Creator is easy tool to create you Electronic book. Create a Self-Executable eBooks with one click. Arafasoft E-Book Workshop converts HTML, files into stand-alone, compressed and encrypted eBooks, Helps or Presentations.
You can't protect your Web site from CTRL-C (copy) or from printing. To distribute a compact ebook from your Web site is a handy way for distributing protected information.
Create E-Book with Background Sound and Splash screen. At run time Arafasoft E-Book unpck Html Files in memory to protect your Html Files. Feature:.
Fully customizable user interface (Splash Screen, Background Sound & Icon). Highly optimized eBook Reader. Full-text search. Powerful security options.
Open eBooks without Html temporary file. Table Of Contents. Control The Speed Of Compressor. Self-Executable eBooks. Customize Icon For Your eBooks.
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